Is it possible to give a user a flair (or badge) that denotes their relevant expertise? This would help validate informed answers from users who have a background or relevant experience in the subject at hand.
My username is Octopi so here are some examples of possible flairs:
Octopi - BE (Civil) | Hydrology and Flood Modelling
Octopi -BE (Mech), PhD (Aero) | Vortex Generation
Octopi -BSurv | Surveying
The best example of a system like this in practice is on the Science sub-Reddit where moderators verify the qualifications of the users before giving them a customised flair. Examples of how the flair works in practice can be seen here (Scroll down to the comments section). Their description of the flair awarding process can be found here.
A flair verification system would lend legitimacy to verified experts in their fields. The users would have to be hand selected after submission of proof and would need to be held to a higher standard then other users. Flairs should be able to be revoked if required.
I am new to the stack exchange community so am unsure if this type of flair or badge process is even possible or would be beneficial to the community here. A quick search of other stack exchange sites has brought up no answers or similar features however I may have simply missed something very obvious. Thoughts?