I think a question like this would be on topic for our site. That doesn't guarantee you'll get a good response, though. I strongly advise showing us that you've gone as far as you can go on your own before getting stuck (no pun intended) and asking for our help.
Searching for "how to make magnets" is going to get you a lot of bad results about decorating magnets that you buy from the store. Instead, try search terms like "magnetize" or "build a magnet" and spend time looking at more than just the top results. I'll tell you right now, there are so many decent resources available with those search terms, that I would expect anyone asking for our time to already have some specific details, and maybe even to have tried making some magnets already (it's not terribly difficult).
Essentially, you should approach this like it's your job, and asking a question on Stack Exchange is like asking your coworkers for help while they're working on their own stuff. If you're really stuck, that's a great time to ask, but if you ask them to help you on every little thing, they'll start to get annoyed. You can always hop into our chat room to ask little questions, including things that are too broad, subjective, off-topic, etc. on the main site.