I'd like to nominate [Tom Au](http://engineering.stackexchange.com/users/62/tom-au).

Tom has lots of experience on a wide range of SE sites; he's a real veteran. Even a quick glance at his network profile will give you an idea of what he's like.

Tom also has one important quality: He's been active on Engineering throughout the private beta, and his questions and answers have covered a whole bunch of topics. He may not be proficient in all of them, but he has a very good overall knowledge of engineering - despite not necessarily being an engineer! (?)

**Edit from Tom Au**

**Decline for now.**

First, I greatly appreciate the nomination. I believe that my combination of an "engineering" and liberal arts background could bring "balance" to the site.

My main issue for now is "day job" pressures. My (small) tech company is in the process of negotiating a major hurdle. A successful negotiation of this hurdle would possibly free up more time for me on the site in six months to a year. Perhaps over that time frame, a then moderator will want to "rotate" and leave. If both these conditions converge, I would be happy to be considered as a back up or replacement moderator.