2018 Community Moderator Election
This seems like as good a place as any to state publicly that I will not be nominating in this election. Since this site launched I've taken on more responsibility at work, my family has grown, and I ...
Community wiki
My questions marked a favorite but still down votes? Is this unusual behavior?
"Favorite" is a bad name. It's just a bookmark. Marking a question "favorite" really only means that person wants to be able to get back to it easily in the future. It does not necessarily mean ...
Can the ban on questions be shortened by a moderator?
When you get banned due to excessive low quality posts, you get a explanation of what to do about it. Follow it.
Note that pleading for the system to make a exception is NOT one of the recommended ...
Only top scored, non community-wiki answers of a minimum length are eligible
Related Tags
discussion × 12moderators × 12
election × 5
bug × 3
feature-request × 1
support × 1
acceptable-questions × 1
question-quality × 1
status-completed × 1
moderation × 1
beta × 1
asking-questions × 1
down-votes × 1
bookmarks × 1