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6 votes

Does engineering want to handle entropy questions?

I don't think it's useful to consider "entropy questions" categorically at this time, since we only have the one question, which may not even be in scope. We certainly don't need to create an entropy ...
Air's user avatar
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3 votes

Can I ask a question about the role of engineers in pace-maker design here?

That question is what we call too broad. One could also argue that it has a element of opinion based. Therefore, do not ask it on the main site. The exact divisions of responsibility between ...
Olin Lathrop's user avatar
  • 11.4k
2 votes

Is this the right site to ask about passive acoustic design in a building?

This topic is perfectly acceptable. There have already been a couple of similar questions, so please search for those. The existing answers may also help.
hazzey's user avatar
  • 10.7k
1 vote

MRI contrast power injectors

Just do your best with the tags. No need to obsess over it. You have already asked a question about this here: MRI contrast power injectors The question could definitely be on topic, as long as it is ...
Drew's user avatar
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1 vote

How are NanoLED and MicroLED computer screens designed differently?

This would be fine to ask on the Electrical Engineering or Engineering stack exchanges.
Drew's user avatar
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